Inner Treasures

  You have what you need. Problem is it’s buried on the inside. It’s hidden treasure. You have gifts and talents you’ve not yet tapped into. There is potential waiting to be released. When Krishna laid out the plan for yr life, He created WITHIN you the skill, wisdom, creativity, insight: EVERYTHING YOU NEEDED to […]

Krishna Connects the Dots

What looks like a disappointment is really the hand of God ordering your steps. Doesn’t make sense now, but down the road you’ll see how if that door HADN’T closed, you WOULDN’T have met that person, WOULDN’T have gotten that job, WOULDN’T have had that opportunity. IF YOU ONLY KNEW what Krishna was up to, you […]

The Enemy of Excellence

Maya can’t do anything about the fact you started your spiritual life, but will everything to keep you from finishing. Lots OF RUNNERS start a marathon but fewer finish. Beyond talent, beyond training, beyond positive thinking and praying, we need be able to tap into the power of persistence. We need to decide up front. […]

Seeing with Eyes of Love

Our message today is to make sure you see people thru eyes of love, not judgement. Don’t be critical. Don’t write people off. Give them the benefit of the doubt.  Consider they might be going thru incredible difficulties & doing the best they can. Be a person who helps lighten the load. You can be […]

Marked by the Hand of God

Be a MARKED man, a MARKED woman. Not marked by defeat. Not marked by failure. Be MARKED for SUCCESS, MARKED for FAVOR, MARKED for VICTORY by the hand of God

God’s Power, Presence, and Protection

GROW YOUR FAITH…The key is to find out that plan and find it and get right in the center of it.  We need to be challenged.  We need to be stretched.  It’s emotionally  unhealthy, even suicidal, to go through life being mediocre, half hearted, wondering, “What am I doing?  Where am I going?” Simply taking […]

Do Your Best, Then Rest

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Meeting the Right People

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