Steer Your Life in the Right Direction

Our words are setting the DIRECTION for our lives. If you want to know what you’re going to be like five years from now – LISTEN to what you’re saying about yourself. “I’ll never get well. I’ll never break this addiction. I’ll never meet the right person” – you are PROPHESYING your future. You can’t […]

An Eye for the Good

If you see negatives everywhere you turn, the problem is not external, it’s internal. It’s a heart problem. Maybe it’s not the world that needs to change. Maybe it’s I who need to change. Maybe I need to break the habit of seeing the bad rather than the good Maybe I’ve trained myself to be […]

God’s Will Be Done

RELEASING IS TRUSTING, saying, “Krishna, even though it didn’t work out my way, even though I can’t be the king, all things work for my good.” I believe you STILL have something good in my future.  There’s POWER in letting go.  We’re not saying to let go of your dreams, your promises. We’re saying instead, […]

Dawali Light

Diwali – Festival of Lights

The Krishna Temple invites everyone to come and celebrate in Salt Lake CityThe event will include classical and folk dancing, live music, dramas, a ceremony of lights,huge vegetarian feast, and offering of respects to a live cow.