Krishna Precisely Orders Our Steps

Krishna is not a random God. Not vague, approximate, maybe I’ll do this, that. God is precise, exact. Just as He strategically uses the right people, good breaks, He will also use adversity, disappointments, closed doors to move us toward our destiny.

Moving Forward

Bhagavad Gita Says: “One who does good is never overcome by evil.” In the Bible we read, “There may may be weeping in the night, but joy comes in the morning” Nothing that happens to you is a surprise to Krishna. He knows the past, from the present, to the future. He has the restoration, […]

Hoping Against Hope

A lot of life is about waiting: waiting to meet the right person, waiting for problem to be solved, waiting for dream to come to pass. There is a right way to wait & wrong way to wait. We hear that word & most of the time we think waiting means doing nothing, being passive, […]