Release & Rest

If you insist on a TIME FRAME for WHEN it’s going to happen, and a METHOD of HOW it’s going to happen, you’re going to be frustrated. Krishna’s ‘s ways are not our ways. He’s working when we can’t see it. Sometimes it’s taking longer because He has something BETTER in store.  One of the […]

Hidden from the Enemy

Krishna knows how to protect you. Just as He can make blind eyes see, He can make seeing eyes blind. He can make you INVISIBLE to people and circumstances that want to harm you. One devotee said “Lord, You have not handed me over to the enemy, but you have kept me in a SAFE […]

The Weight of Favor

Favor means honor, blessings, influence. We like those things, but we don’t always realize there’s a weight that comes with favor, a burden that comes with influence. If you’re not prepared for it, the favor won’t be a blessing. It will be a burden. We have to pass some tests before Krishna will trust us […]

Don’t Settle for Less

Stir up the promises that you’ve pushed down. Stop saying “I’m too old. I’m not good enough. I don’t have the finances. Don’t have the connections… No Krishna has it all figured out. If you start dreaming again, X believing, X pursuing what Krishna put in yr heart, Krishna will make a way where you […]

An Eye for the Good

If you see negatives everywhere you turn, the problem is not external, it’s internal. It’s a heart problem. Maybe it’s not the world that needs to change. Maybe it’s I who need to change. Maybe I need to break the habit of seeing the bad rather than the good Maybe I’ve trained myself to be […]

God’s Will Be Done

RELEASING IS TRUSTING, saying, “Krishna, even though it didn’t work out my way, even though I can’t be the king, all things work for my good.” I believe you STILL have something good in my future.  There’s POWER in letting go.  We’re not saying to let go of your dreams, your promises. We’re saying instead, […]

Steadiness is the Secret

When you travel STEADILY you’re going to come into blessings and favor because of your faithfulness. Not because you have a great talent, great courage, great faith, but because you keep doing the right thing. “Don’t coast on talent alone. Let it remind you of the responsibility you have to HONOR your gift. And if you’re not […]

What’s Blocking Your Growth

REMOVE what’s blocking your growth, and you’ll begin to BLOSSOM. You’ll go to new levels. See, there’s nothing wrong with you. You have the life of Almighty God inside. He created you to rise higher, to be successful, to be confident, to leave your mark. When you live guilty, you’re in agreement with the ENEMY, […]

Inner Treasures

  You have what you need. Problem is it’s buried on the inside. It’s hidden treasure. You have gifts and talents you’ve not yet tapped into. There is potential waiting to be released. When Krishna laid out the plan for yr life, He created WITHIN you the skill, wisdom, creativity, insight: EVERYTHING YOU NEEDED to […]

Krishna Will Settle Your Accounts

We all go thru situations that seem unfair. Seems unfair that someone could lie about you & get away with it. Seems unfair that your sister has children but you can’t. Seems unfair you had that special needs child. Seems unfair that you lost a loved one.  Life has thrown you a curve. Not everything […]