A Tribute to Amekhala devi dasi

BY: SRUTAKIRTI DAS I was so busy taking care of her for the last 18 months I never had time to contemplate on what was happening right in front of my eyes. May 09, 2010 — UK  — It has been two weeks since my wife left this world under the protection of Srila Prabhupada. […]

Passing of Nila Kamala Prabhu

BY: DEENA BANDHU DAS (ACBSP)May 07, 2010 — VRINDAVAN, INDIA  — On May 2nd late in the afternoon around 5 PM, one of the workers in Krishna Balarama Guesthouse came knocking at my door with a message from Ganapati that there is a devotee from Spain who is not responding to their requests and could […]

Temple Profile: Turkey

By Madhava Smullen on 7 May 2010A new facility in the gateway between Asia and Europe. A new facility in the gateway between Asia and Europe.Name: Indian Cultural CenterAddress: Taksim, Istanbul, Turkey
Phone: +90 535 251 3021  
Website: www.indianculturalcenter.orgPresiding Deities: Radha Istanbul Isvara, Gaura-Nitai, Jagannath, Baladeva and Subhadra, Lord Nrsimhadeva.General Co-ordinator: Balarama DasaCurrent temple opening date: […]

ISKCON Utsav at Vishakapatnam

By Vrajendranandan DasISKCON Vishakhapatnam had organized a 3 day (30th April, 1st and 2nd May) festival called the ‘ISKCON Ustav’ Grand Pandal festival to commemorate the
500th Sannyas Anniversary of Chaitanya Mahaprabhu at its picturesque campus with hills on one side and the Bay Of Bengal on the other. ISKCON Vishakhapatnam had organized a 3 day […]

Bhakti Vedanta Music School- Inauguration

By Shyamagopika ddAn initiative of HG Naru Gopal das, CEO of ISKCON Mayapur, who has been working over these years to start a full fledged Music School in Sri dham Mayapur to facilitate the devotees worldwide and Mayapur community to learn to play musical instruments. Whenever any devotee visits Mayapur, they always have a list […]

Jam-Packed Schedule Set for Festival of Inspiration’s 10th Year

By Madhava Smullen on 23 Apr 2010The place to be in North America come May. Devotees from all over the USA and the world will congregate at New Vrindaban, West Virginia to attend the tenth anniversary of the Festival of Inspiration on Mother’s Day Weekend this May 7th, 8th and 9th. The place to be […]

Medical Volunteers Restore Vision in Barsana

By Sukhavaha Dasi on 23 Apr 2010Two thousand and four hundred Brijabasis and local residents of Barsana (Mathura district, UP, INDIA) and the surrounding towns and villages showed up for the Eye Screening Outpatient Camp coordinated by the Bhaktivedanta Hospital from 31 Jan – 19 Feb 2010. Every year since 2002, the Barsana Eye Camp […]

Hare Krishna TV Show Gives the Public Access to God

By Madhava Smullen on 23 Apr 2010For Pandava Vijaya Dasa, making his own Hare Krishna TV show was a no-brainer the moment he discovered that the city of Houston, Texas, where he lived, had its own public access television station—and one that offered free training in filming and editing, at that. For Pandava Vijaya Dasa, […]

ISKCON Youth “Krishna Culture Festival Tour” across the USA and Canada

By Shantipur Dasi on 22 Apr 2010Join us this summer, from June 23rd to August 23rd, on our 15,000 mile journey across the United States and Canada. Along the way we will celebrate dozens of festivals and Ratha-yatras, explore beautiful national parks, and fill our days with chanting, dancing, camping, swimming, rafting, and feasting with […]