Krishna Culture Tour Kicks Off Cycle of Inspiration

By Madhava Smullen for ISKCON News on 28 May 2010The Krishna Culture Festival Tour is in its sixteenth year. From June 23rd till August 23rd this summer, 28 ISKCON youth from countries as diverse as Poland, England, Bolivia, Canada, and the US will travel 16,000 miles on the Krishna Culture Festival Tour, visiting every state […]

Plugging the Integrity Leak: Lessons from the Mahabharata

By Ramnath Subramanian for The Huffington Post on 18 May 2010Mr. Patrick, an international consultant on business ethics, was giving us a concise yet profound glimpse into a momentous phase of his own life that set the course towards his becoming one of the most successful stockbrokers, only to be arrested by the Interpol and […]

The Mayapuris Beat the Drum for Kirtan

By Madhava Smullen on 29 May 2010With yoga already a household name in the Western World, kirtan—the ancient Gaudiya Vaishnava style of call and response chanting—is quickly gaining the same status. And while ISKCON devotees have been a little late to break into the popular yoga kirtan scene, some ISKCON groups have now risen to […]

Chandan Yatra Festival 2010 at ISKCON Vrindavan

By Lakshman (das) Vrindavan (IN)The festival is also celebrated in our ISKCON Vrindavan temple and it usually continues for 21 days with the Utsava Vigrahas covered in chandan. The Deities are covered completely with chandan
(sandalwood paste), which provides the Lord relief from the scorching heat of summer in the month of Vaisakha/Jyestha (May/June). On the […]

Krishna Cook Plans Fast Food Chain With A Difference

By Madhava Smullen on 21 May 2010“This business model of restaurants and farms working together to minimize production costs, while educating and empowering people to make smart food choices, will enable Peacemakers to provide healthy meals at current fast food prices,” Adiraja says. “And it will be great food, too: We’ll offer vegan burgers, sandwiches, […]

How Much to Donate? God Knows

By Ron Lieber for The New York Times on 20 Apr 2010Of the $229 billion that Americans donated in 2009, about half went to religious institutions. When the Obamas released their 2009 income tax returns a few weeks ago, the Times itemized their charitable contributions on its Bucks personal finance blog. Some readers praised their […]

Holy God! Discovering Hare Krishna-ism in Vrindaban, India

By Dave Norman for India Travel Podcast on 7 May 2010Their morning starts at 4:30, with someone at the temple whacking a brass gong with a wooden mallet and entirely too much enthusiasm given the hour. Then the singing starts. Somewhere out in the fog a woman’s voice rises above a din of car noise […]

CNN – Famous after 50

Famous folks launched careers after 50By Ethan Trex, Mental Floss for CNNThe founder of the Hare Krishna movement was 69 years old before he started the International Society for Krishna Consciousness. May 16, 2010 8:58 a.m. EDT(Mental Floss) — Sadly, the down economy has put a lot of workers over age 50 in the unenviable […]

Japa Arrow Pierces the Heart of Retreat-Goers in Belgium

Bhaktivedanta College on 14 May 2010From May 2-7, the annual Japa & Kirtan Retreat took place in the beautiful land of Radhadesh, organized by Bhaktivedanta College as part of its devotional strand of courses. More than a hundred devotees and community members took part, and dozens more followed the broadcasts on the Internet. Japa Retreats […]

The Quest to Sort Out Competing and Comparable Religions

By Kathleen Parker for The Washington Post on 9 May 2010Not if you’re Graham, who lost his place at the Pentagon altar after he mocked other religions, specifically Islam and Hinduism. A plea to President Obama to reinstate him apparently fell on pitiless ears. Graham’s offense was expressing his belief that only Christians have God’s […]