Dying to be born

12.16.09 by Krishna DharmaIf we have to take birth again in this world there are some places we might prefer over others. Ireland, for example, would be a good choice. In that fine land abortion is mostly illegal, giving you a fair chance of emerging from the womb in one piece. But not everyone is […]

No To Violence

Here is a moving and thought provoking video by “Supersoul Cooncetion” entitled “No to Violence.”  

Intolerance is a Two-way Street

BY: SUDHEENDRA KULKARNIDec 12, NEW DELHI, INDIA (INDIAN EXPRESS) — Underground and secretly maintained Krishna temples in Iran? Yes. And I’ll tell you why I am beginning this column on the raging global debate on the recent Swiss ban on the construction of new minarets by recalling a stunning personal experience in Iran. Dec 12, […]

The Myth of Aryan Invasion Theory

June 28th, 2007 — Steven Knapp Aryan Invasion Theory has been proved to be a myth and as a wrong theory long back. But let me explain in detail the actual history and dirty politics behind this theory. Note that this theory was used as a basis by Hitler to advocate his theory of the […]

The Merits of Building a Temple

From the Agni-purana, Chapter 38, Texts 1-50. “Agni said: I will now describe the fruits of making temples for the residence of Vasudeva and other deities. He who attempts to erect temples for gods is freed from the sins of a thousand births. Those who think of building a temple in their minds are freed […]

Hinduism Predates Christianity: The Archeological Proof

By Stephen KnappThis Garuda column of Vasudeva (Vishnu), the god of gods, was erected here by Heliodorus, a worshiper of Vishnu, the son of Dion, and an inhabitant of Taxila, who came as Greek ambassador from the Great King Antialkidas to King Kasiputra Bhagabhadra, the Savior, then reigning prosperously in the fourteenth year of his […]

Jesus through Vaishnava Eyes

By Shaunaka Rishi Dasa Shaunaka Rishi Dasa is the Director of the Oxford Centre for Hindu Studies.When I was 14 I began a personal and serious study of the New Testament. I wanted to understand what Christ had to say about things so I paid particular attention to the words of Jesus Himself. I can […]

Food ethics: you are what you eat

Presenter: Madonna KingParam Satya, a Hare Krishna chef at Govinda’s vegetarian restaurant believes the people are becoming increasingly interested in the food they eat. When it comes to food, most of our energy goes into chopping it up and preparing it for eating, rather than considering what the food’s gone through before it makes it […]

Famous Vegetarians Part 3

Some noteworthy quotations on Vegetarianism, continued:Animals are my friends… and I don’t eat my friends. George Bernard Shaw Visit the meatrix….http://www.peta.org/feat/meatrix/ “There is not an animal on the earth, or a flying creature flying on two wings, but they are peoples like unto you.”Koran, surah 6 verse 38 “Flesh eating is simply immoral, as it […]

Famous Vegetarians Part 2

Some noteworthy quotations on Vegetarianism, continued:“If you have men who will exclude any of God’s creatures from the shelter of compassion and pity, you will have men who will deal likewise with their fellow men.” St. Francis of Assisi “If you have men who will exclude any of God’s creatures from the shelter of compassion […]