Why Worry

A Sunday Talk Series. May 2010 Why Worry Pt 1.mp3 [Audio clip: view full post to listen] Why Worry Pt 2.mp3 [Audio clip: view full post to listen] To Download: right click the download arrow and select “Save Target As”, “Save Link As”, or similar menu item

Godly Goal Setting

A Sunday Talk Series. May 2010 Godly Goal Setting.mp3 [Audio clip: view full post to listen] Godly Goal Setting Pt 2.mp3 [Audio clip: view full post to listen] Gody Goal Setting Pt 3.mp3 [Audio clip: view full post to listen] To Download: right click the download arrow and select “Save Target As”, “Save Link As”, […]

A Hard Sell

BY: SWARUP DASApr 11, 2010 CALIFORNIA  — At a time when the Vietnam War was raging on and the Peace Movement was growing, Srila Prabhupada arrived in America and presented Bhagavad-gita As It Is, a scripture in which Krishna chastises Arjuna for being a pacifist, and tells him to get onto the battlefield and kill. […]

A Matter of Time

A Sunday Talk Series. April 2010 1 – A Matter of Time Pt 1.mp3 [Audio clip: view full post to listen] 2 – A Matter of Time Pt 2.mp3 [Audio clip: view full post to listen] 3 – A Matter of Time Pt 3.mp3 [Audio clip: view full post to listen] To Download: right click […]

In God We Trust

By Sesa Dasa on 1 Apr 2010If you had one chance, a single unique opportunity, to present Krishna Consciousness to a Joint Session of the United States House of Representatives and the United States Senate, the legislative branches of the most powerful government on the face of the Earth, what points would you stress? What […]

Hindu Shoes and Missed Lessons in Globalization

By Sesa Dasa on 11 Mar 2010There are two possible explanations for this fiasco. One: some marketing executives were sleepwalking during their inter-cultural orientation training, or two: there is something more sinister afoot. Either way, since American shoemaker Keds Shoes began to promote its Hindu Keds Shoes line, my affinity for the sneaker maker, an […]

Chanting and Meditation Can Lower Blood Pressure

By Nick Harding for Daily Mail (UK) on 16 Mar 2010Despite living what doctors described as a ‘virtuous life’, Claudia Zeff was at risk of heart disease. A genetic predisposition to high blood pressure meant she faced a lifetime of medication and the risk of health problems in later life, including stroke and kidney damage.  […]

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Who is Lord Chaitanya

A Sunday Talk from February 28, 2010. Gaura Purnima 2010. Watch the recorded broadcast from Sunday, February 28, 2010:   MP3 – Audio [Audio clip: view full post to listen] To Download: right click the download arrow and select “Save Target As”, “Save Link As”, or similar menu item. Powerpoint Presentation Download the Powerpoint

Creating a Culture of Pure Chanting

By Arcana Siddhi Devi Dasi January/February 2010 Reflections after a five-day retreat dedicated to japa, the meditative chanting of Krishna’s holy names. In 1974 two of my college friends suddenly disappeared from my circle of friends. I no longer saw them at the cafeteria where we would often sit together and speculate about the meaning […]