Junk Food As Addictive As Street Drugs

By David Gutierrez for Natural News on 23 Dec 2010Scientists are increasingly becoming convinced that junk food can be just as physically addictive as street drugs like heroin. Scientists are increasingly becoming convinced that junk food can be just as physically addictive as street drugs like heroin. Researchers at Rockefeller University have found that foods […]

Krishna or Christ – The Name is the Same

Because God is absolute, His name, His form, and His qualities are also absolute, and they are non-different from Him. Therefore to chant God’s holy name means to associate directly with Him. When one associates with God, one acquires godly qualities, and when one is completely purified, one becomes an associate of the Supreme Lord. […]

Dealing With Life’s Dark Valleys

  Whether you are going into or out of one, we all have valleys in our lives. 1 – Dealing with Lifes Dark Valleys Pt 1.mp3 [Audio clip: view full post to listen] 2 – Dealing with Lifes Dark Valleys Pt 2.mp3 [Audio clip: view full post to listen] 3 – Dealing with Lifes Dark […]

The Sovereign Who Served the Lord

A powerful king’s humble service invokes the mercy of Lord Caitanya. (Reprinted from Back to Godhead Magazine, Vol 11, No 6, 1976) Taken from Sri Caitanya-caritamrta, translation and commentary by His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada. About five hundred years ago, the Indian province of Orissa was ruled by a great king named Prataparudra. […]

Human Rights Day 2010 and ISKCON

By Sesa Das on 16 Dec 2010For those of you would keep track of such things, last week’s celebration of Human Rights Day in Reno, Nevada was another indication of the growing acceptance of Vedic Culture around the world. For those of you would keep track of such things, last week’s celebration of Human Rights […]

Vegan Compassion Is in The Bag

By Eva Friede for The Gazette on 14 Dec 2010Inder Bedi has often told the story of how he built a handbag empire on compassion. The 37-year-old founder of Matt & Nat vegan accessories was asked at age 18 by a Hare Krishna priest to go vegetarian for 30 days: Inder Bedi has often told […]

The Form of God – Fact or Fancy?

God, Krsna, is a person. Just as we are all individual persons, so God is also an individual person. But He is not an ordinary, materially covered person like us. He is a transcendental person. (Reprinted from Back to Godhead Magazine, Vol 11, No 5, 1976) An analysis by Candidasa dasa. Very often the readers […]

Meditation and the Self Within

First we have to study, “Am I this body, or am I something within this body?”   (Reprinted from Back to Godhead Magazine, Vol 11, No 2, 1976) Can meditation solve our everyday problems? Is there life after death? Can drugs help us achieve self-realization? During a recent visit to South Africa, His Divine Grace […]

Reincarnation – The Soul’s Journey on the Wheel of Birth and Death

Just as a person puts on new garments, giving up old ones, similarly the soul accepts new material bodies, giving up the old and useless ones. By Damodara dasa (Reprinted from Back to Godhead Magazine, Vol 11, No 1, 1976) “I adopted the theory of reincarnation when I was twenty-six.” Henry Ford said that in […]

Book Distribution – A Complete Form of Worship

By Giriraj Swami Who worships Lord Caitanya by sankirtana? Those who are highly intelligent. Of course, sometimes someone might not be so intelligent–he might just be fortunate. Here I am not referring to you, but to myself, as I am about to explain how I was engaged in sankirtana. “In the age of Kali, intelligent […]